
Recovering the classic, Protestant interpretation of Bible prophecy.

Prophecy Charts & Tables

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A Summary Timeline of the Prophecies of Daniel. © Historicism.com 2017. Click the image to enlarge.

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The Timeline of Daniel chapter 12. © Historicism.com 2017. Click the image to enlarge.

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The Seventy "Sevens" of Daniel chapter 9. © Historicism.com 2017. Click the image to enlarge.

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The Four Kingdoms in Daniel chapters 2 and 7. © Historicism.com 2017. Click the image to enlarge.

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© Historicism.com 2002. Click the image to enlarge. For print-quality image, click here.

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The Sabbath of World History. © Historicism.com 2007. Click the image to enlarge.

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The Times of the Gentiles. © Historicism.com 2007. Click the image to enlarge. A chart showing the chronology from Daniel 4, 7, 8, and 12. This chart has been replaced by the newer charts above. While of course the measurements haven't changed, the charts above now contain more accurate suggestions for the fulfillments of various prophecies in the Bible. [Get Adobe Acrobat Reader]

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The Immanuel Year chart by H.Grattan Guinness, from the book from The Approaching End of the Age, by H. Grattan Guinness...Click image above to view the hi-res photograph of the chart.

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A time-chart of the Prophetic Times of the Gentiles and the Sanctuary Cycle by Dr. H. Grattan Guinness. Click image above to view in PDF.[Get Adobe Acrobat Reader]

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A "Tabular Chart" of Revelation comparing Jewish and Gentile fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy in history by Samuel Garratt (Available in HTML to study or print).

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A simple chart of the timeline of the four kingdoms predicted in Daniel 2 and 7. © Historicism.com 2002.

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Four of the main ways to interpret Revelation. © Historicism.com 2002.

About Me

My name is Joe Haynes. I launched this site in 1999. I live in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, where, since 2013, I have been serving as a pastor of Beacon Church. I've served in pastoral ministry now for over 20 years. My wife, Heather, and I have seven kids. I received a Master of Arts in Christian Studies from Northwest Baptist Seminary at the Associated Canadian Theological Seminaries of Trinity Western University (2011), and a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching at The Master's Seminary in Los Angeles (2024).

The photo to the right is of myself and my grandfather, Rev. A.J.L. Haynes. He died in 1983. A few years later, when I was 15, my dad encouraged me to start studying Bible prophecy for myself. To help me begin, he handed me a book that had belonged to my grandpa, The Approaching End of the Age, by H. Grattan Guinness. My love for Bible prophecy eventually grew into a deeper love for all of the Bible, and in time, I followed in my grandfather's footsteps, committing myself to the expository preaching of God's Word. I now serve as the preaching pastor at Beacon Church in Victoria, Briitsh Columbia, Canada.

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