Bible Commentary & Blog
Many of these posts below are manuscripts of expositions I preached (or taught) on various Bible passages to do with the end times. This is a work in progress: I am continuing to edit manuscripts and will keep adding them here. These are arranged under categories of books of the Bible (or, for example, "The Olivet Discourse," which is a section of the Lord Jesus' teaching found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Stand-alone blog posts on various topics to do with Bible prophecy can be found at the bottom of the page.
Select a heading from the list to jump to that section.
Click a Bible section below to expand the contents.
Daniel 9:24-27 - Translation & Notes
The Olivet Discourse
Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21
1 & 2 Thessalonians
More sermons will be posted here as the work of editing them continues.
Revelation 16:1-21 recap: "What Fulfilled Prophecies Should Teach Us about the Future"
More sermons will be posted here as I continue preaching through the end of Revelation in the Spring of 2025.
Stand-alone posts
What is Futurism? What is Historicism? What Does the Bible Say?, by Joe Haynes
Taking the Bible Literally, by Joe Haynes
Why Am I Pre-mil Rather Than A-mil? by Joe Haynes
The Ten Horns, by Joe Haynes
Sam Storms Skewers a Straw Man, by Joe Haynes
The Doom of Babylon the Great, by Rev. A. J. L. Haynes
The Second Advent--How readest thou?, by Captain G.S. Dobbie
Jehovah and His Theocratic Kingdom, by G.R. Dawe, D.D.
Thoughts on the Great Tribulation, by G.R. Dawe, D.D.
"The Chief Points of My Prophetical Creed," by J.C. Ryle
New posts will be added here from time to time.