
A word about this blog

This blog started out as a blog for pastors and preachers but has since evolved into something a bit different. I noticed that quite a few of those who visit here regularly come from links on Facebook or Twitter. I realized then that there might be a wider opportunity to just offer occasional encouragements for regular Christian people to dig deeper into the Bible, walk more closely with their Saviour and speak up a little more boldly about what they believe and why they believe it. New blog posts are announced as I post them on Twitter @PastorJoeHaynes.

The English Standard Version Bible

Some posts on this blog, however, are targeted especially toward pastors & preachers.  Here you will find preaching commentaries on the text of Scripture, English Bible editions helpful for sermon preparation and study, original language resources, audio downloads, software reccomendations, web links and anything else I can think of to encourage and equip you.

I first started this blog because over the years I have been privileged to interact with many pastors through this website (Historicism.com) and to be of help to some of them from time to time. I believe God has put on my heart a burden to do what I can to help my fellow pastors in their ministries. And I feel that my greatest gift to each pastor and the church he serves is to exhort him to the faithful and expository preaching of God’s Word to his congregation. With this in mind, I urge you to have a look at this Confession of Faith taken from The Gospel Coalition. Our challenge is to “hold fast to the Word of life,” (Phi 2:16) and “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints,” (Jude 1:3). So please look over the resources on this blog. Take what is helpful to you and leave what isn’t. Please let me know if there is a resource that others might benefit from.

A word about this blog’s categories

What does “keruxai” mean anyway? “Keruxai” is the Greek word meaning literally, “to preach”. The original and main focus of most of my earlier posts on Keruxai.com were to help pastors to do just that–“to preach” and preach well. Over time, as I began posting on other topics, additional categories were added to contain the posts and make it easier for visitors to navigate the content of the blog. Site categories now include “to preach” (described above), “to pore” (meaning, “to study”; related to the study of the text of the Bible), “to ponder” (meaning “to think”; related to theological issues and questions), “to persevere” (meaning “to endure”; related to the need for faithful endurance in the Christian life and in pastoral ministry), and “to pastor” (meaning, “to shepherd”; related to practical matters of leading, serving and caring for a congregation).

May God reward your faithfulness to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I’m actually the grandson of A.J.L. Haynes, not his great-grandson. His ministry has had a lot of influence on my own.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Joe Haynes



  1. Greetings from Norway again!
    A few days ago I started on my second listning to Your lectures on Daniel again.
    Again,wow! I am not surprised —I am led deeper into Gods Word this time!
    Thanks to the Lord and you Joe! I am getting to know you quite well after so much
    time listning to your inspiring voice.
    So with Gods grace and help also 2018: Simple living.Dicipline.A lot more Scripture !
    Regards Elsa

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